6 Miserable Fish Who Just Want To End It All

Have you ever seen a fish smile?

Meet Gerty. You may have seen her in the news this week, looking absolutely sick as a chip....or Skip, perhaps. Why? The Giant Gourami fish has hidden an addiction from staff at Sea Life London Aquarium for a long time, until now. Truth is, she just can't stop eating prawn cocktail flavoured Skips: so much so, her scales have turned a startling shade of pink. Aquarists were worried when the usual grey fish refused to eat anything other than the popular snack, and later found out her previous owner regularly fed her the crisps. Now, they've put Gerty on a diet of fruit, vegetation and strictly, no Skips. Look at that face, she's sure-as-hell fuming about it. The life of a fish can be a dull, gloomy place; have you ever seen one smile? Exactly. We've found 6 more aquatic misery guts who definitely give Victor Meldrew a run for his money. Behold, the hilarious faces of joyless fish, who really, just aren't having fun at all.

Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell