6 No-Fail Funny Websites

3. Passive Aggressive Notes

9262970022_92cb682d64_ohttp://www.passiveaggressivenotes.com/ Sometimes, I read stories on the internet and really believe that all of this is based on hyperbole. They have no proof that all of this stuff really happens. PPOR (Post Proof or Retract) is based on the very idea that, as Lincoln said, "Don't believe everything you read on the internet." What I love about this site, other than the hilarious accompanying descriptions, is that there is always evidence. They will put up a seemingly normal theme like "Are you happy now?" and "No problem!" and all of a sudden, there is a huge influx of bat-crap crazy pictures, like the one above. We're all guilty of passive-aggressive behavior. Some of us feel guilty about it. Some of us are victims of it. Some of us enjoy it a little too much. Whether you are the person posting nasty notes about your roommates' dishes or, like me, are tired of company-wide e-mails on scent-free environments, you can find something entertaining here.

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That's Kaki pronounced like the pants, thank you very much, my family nickname and writing name. I am a Red Sox-loving, Doctor Who-quoting, Shaara-reading walking string quartet of a Mormon writer from Boston. I currently work 40 hours at a stressful desk job with a salary that lets me pick up and travel to places like Ireland or Philadelphia. I have no husband or kids, but I have five nephews to keep me entertained. When not writing, working or eating too much Indian food, I'm always looking for something new to learn, whether it's French or family history.