6 No-Fail Funny Websites

1. Cakewrecks10710906-23095976-thumbnailhttp://www.cakewrecks.com/ This is one of the funniest things ever created. This is a site that makes you double over and laugh until you gag. This is a site not to be missed, I promise you. In 2008, a lady named Jen started a blog of odd-looking cakes. The rules of the cakes were that they had to be hideous and they had to be professionally-done. There were no excuses allowed for amateurs or first-time cake decorators. All of these cakes are ones that people have paid real money for. Jen and her staff regularly tell the story that everyone submits with their pictures. What is more amusing is when they speculate wildly about how these monstrosities come to be. They often parody songs and the result is even more amusing than the pictures themselves. Sundays are a nice break, when they do Sunday Sweets and spotlight cakes that are exquisite in their creativity or beauty.

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That's Kaki pronounced like the pants, thank you very much, my family nickname and writing name. I am a Red Sox-loving, Doctor Who-quoting, Shaara-reading walking string quartet of a Mormon writer from Boston. I currently work 40 hours at a stressful desk job with a salary that lets me pick up and travel to places like Ireland or Philadelphia. I have no husband or kids, but I have five nephews to keep me entertained. When not writing, working or eating too much Indian food, I'm always looking for something new to learn, whether it's French or family history.