6 Reasons Why Intervention In Syria Has Not Happened

2. Popularity At The Polls

The United States of America is one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and a key member to any decision that is to be made on the issue. What has America done so far? Hilary Clinton€™s strongly worded condemnations, and attempts (like many other countries) to pass UN resolutions and sanctions against Syria, many of which never work. Many are quick to accuse America of being a trigger happy and controlling nation, so why has Barack Obama not thrown himself into such a humanitarian crisis and suggested to save the day? Failing that, even offered to take a firmer stance on this crisis? One of the most simple answers is the 2012 United States presidential elections. Obama has had a fairly quiet term in office and will be happy to keep it that way in order to stay in the White House for another four years. The Republican candidates may be of poor quality, however, if Obama takes stronger action on the Syria issue he would certainly lose support. The US government has just announced to increase its efforts outside of UN barriers. Therefore, I sincerely hope Barak Obama can find his backbone and prioritise preventing the slaughter of innocent people over selfish reasoning.
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London-based charity worker, writer and guitarist. Big wheel at the cracker factory. Follow Jamie on twitter @jamiemccloskey1