6 Things You Learn When Living Solely With Men

3. All Is Fair In Love And War (And Food)

If there's something delectable in the communal fridge sitting there uneaten for over 24 hours, it automatically becomes fair game. Men don't often leave good grub to rot, and tend to annihilate anything that isn't fruit or vegetable in minimal time. You won't know who, or when, but that chocolate milkshake you thought you'd hidden behind your abnormally large lettuce? Yea, they found it alright. Even more likely to disappear down a mystery man's gullet is chilled beer. One doesn't simply embark on a perilous journey to the off-license when the fridge is stocked. The moral of the story is this: consume everything. Fast.
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Recent English graduate and Newcastle United nut. Rom-Com enthusiast, Bob Dylan fan-boy and expert poacher of eggs.