7 Bizarre Conspiracy Theories You'd Probably Never Believe

5. The Shining Is About The Moon Landing

To be honest, you could probably do an entire article on Stanley Kubrick and his work alone, as nearly all of his major films have been linked to conspiracy theories somehow, and The Shining alone has three, including this now infamous accusation. f you're unfamiliar with this theory, it proposes that the 1980 classic horror film is an admission by Kubrick himself that the moon landing by Apollo 11 in 1969 was fake. The director was notorious for being so meticulous with his work so it's not surprising when film enthusiasts analyse his filmography to death, but suggesting that The Shining is a reference to how NASA faked the moon landing and that Kubrick himself was involved (how else would he know?) would take a lot of scrutiny and evidence to convince others. First of all it would require Kubrick to have inside information, otherwise he's just an artist spouting possibilities - fortunately there is a conspiracy theory that links him directly to the Illuminati so that kind of takes care of that. So what evidence do the theorists offer to back up Kubrick's grand scheme? Well, firstly there's the fact that Danny wears an Apollo 11 jumper as he enters room 237, which supposedly symbolises the fact that the Earth is approximately 237,000 miles from the moon. Does this represent the literal launch of the space mission? When it turns out that nothing in that room is real, is this the director telling his audience that the moon landing also wasn't real? That's just one analysis, and there are many, many more related to the same central idea.

Mild-mannered head scratcher. Once did a thing while performing the stuff. Never been to Belgium. Add me on twitter @AHeatonWriter