7 Facts About Tutankhamun You Probably Didn't Know
5. Tutankhamun Only Ruled For Nine Years

Despite being a relative footnote in Ancient Egyptian history at the time compared to other Pharaohs, Tutankhamun is now the most famous Egyptian ruler ever. This is largely down to the discovery of his tomb in 1922, which made world news and is still to this day one of the few Pharaoh tombs that has been discovered fully in tact.
Most Pharaohs enjoyed long, prosperous reigns as ruler but Tut had no such luck, when his reign was cut short due to his death.
One piece of evidence that supports the idea he died suddenly comes from the structure of his tomb itself. Tutankhamun's tomb was much smaller than the tombs of other Pharaohs that have been discovered before and since. Archaeologists and Egyptologists say this may be because his tomb was meant for someone less important, or the stonemasons carving it hadn't finished it yet.
Either way, this is taken as evidence that Tut died unexpectedly.