7 Horribly Toxic Things In The Ocean That Are Scarier Than Sharks

6. Cone Shells

€œOh, look at that pretty shell!€ Those were probably the last words your friend said before they lost all the feeling in their hand. Yup, cone shells are horrible, terrifying little things. Well, they€™re actually not that little for what is essentially a glorified slug, some can grow pretty big at almost 20 cm. You€™ll generally find them hiding in the warm, tropic waters of your gap-years past, so there€™s a good chance you probably spotted one if you went on a bit of a trip. While they might appear nice and docile first, this snail is actually predatory and genuinely eats fish whole. After they€™ve injected them with nasty venom, that is. They do this by firing a harpoon out of themselves, injecting said nasty venom, and then pulling the whole fish back inside itself for digestion. The issue is, it doesn€™t like divers who try to pick up what they think is just a pretty shell, so it tends to try and do to you what it does to fish. Thankfully, it€™s not quite big enough to swallow you but it will sting you good. Side effects include nausea, vomiting, full body paralysis and death. At a lethal dose of just 0.0005 mg, this snail is literally the most venomous animal in the world. Oh, and there€™s no anti-venom.
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Marine Biologist & Swedish. Somehow stuck in Newcastle for the last four years.