Also called cerebromedullospinal disconnection, Locked-In Syndrome is a horrifying condition in which the patient cannot move or speak due to full paralysis of almost all muscles in the body, except for the eyes. In Total Locked-In Syndrome, even the eyes are paralyzed. What is truly scary about the condition is that the patient remains mentally and physically cognizant while unable to move or communicate. Symptoms are similar to what occurs during sleep paralysis. Locked-In Syndrome is caused by damage to portions of the lower brain which can result from Lou Gehrigs disease, multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, strokes and circulatory diseases. It is extremely rare that motion returns to the patient and 90% of patients die within four months of developing it. However, there have been some full recoveries, as in the cases of Richard Marsh and Kate Allatt. The inability to move or communicate mimics multiple supernatural myths, including zombification and Old Hag folklore. In zombification rituals from Haitian Voudou, poison from the pufferfish is administered to a victim who will go into convulsions and then paralysis, thereby seeming dead. Much like Locked-In Syndrome, the victim is aware but unable to move. This opportunity can be used to convince the person of zombification or existence in another realm. The Old Hag legend exists in many cultures from Newfoundland to Morocco and beyond. In these myths, the victim is awakened at night by a shadowy figure, a demon or an old woman who sits on his chest causing paralysis and an inability to speak. Devastatingly, Locked-In Syndrome has no cure and there is not a standard process for treatment, though occupational and drug therapy to treat symptoms can be helpful. Assistive computer interface technologies can be employed to help the patient communicate, while new technological research in direct brain connections may assist in the future and improve the quality of life for affected individuals. In the meantime, always remember to check the eyes.