7 Most Isolated Humans On The Planet
7. The Jarawa People
The Jarawa are one of the indigenous groups of the Andaman Islands in India and they have by and large shunned interactions with outsiders since first contact was made.
The Andaman Islands have been known around the world since ancient times, but they have remained largely isolated and the Jarawa are thought to have split from the now-extinct Jangil tribe some hundreds or even thousands of years ago.
In the past, one of the biggest threats posed to the locals was British colonialism at its worst, with the government sponsored spread of opium, alcohol and disease in an attempt to depopulate the territory spelling the end for other indigenous groups. The Jarawa rejected a lot of this contact and moved into some of the newly freed up land.
Nowadays, however, a new threat presents itself in the form of the Great Andaman Trunk Road, which runs through their territory. The road was built in the 70s and, although further construction has been banned, the numbers of outsiders moving through and tourists attempting to make contact for !*$% selfies (no, really) greatly increases the risk of disease spreading through the community.