7 Most Isolated Humans On The Planet

6. The Sentinelese

The Sentinelese

The Sentinelese are an uncontacted tribe indigenous to Sentinel Island in the Bay of Bengal, and that's exactly how they like it.

Any attempts to make contact with the Sentinelese is met with fierce and often violent resistance from the tribe and, as such, they are one of the most mysterious groups of people on the planet - we know nothing of their culture, society or language. Attempt to even approach the waters surrounding the island and you will be greeted by a welcome party of arrows and spears.

You can't really blame them for their hostility as, back in 1880, a British expedition arrived on the island to try to make "friendly contact", whereupon they promptly kidnapped some of the islanders (the British, it turns out, not so great at diplomacy), showered them with gifts and sent them back to tell all their friends. Unfortunately, two of them died from diseases to which they had no immunity and the other simple went back to their communities and made no attempt to make any more contact.

Official attempts at contact ceased in 1996 after the tribe killed of two fishermen whose boat drifted into their waters.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.