7 Most Isolated Humans On The Planet

5. The Man Of The Hole

The Man Of The Hole
YouTube/New Scientist

There is a man currently living alone in the Brazilian rainforest and that is virtually the extent of anyone's knowledge of him.

Thought to be the last of his tribe, "the man of the hole" gets his name from the five foot deep rectangular hole that is found in each of his abandoned huts. We don't know how or why he digs them because each time anyone gets even remotely close to one of his palm huts, it is abandoned. We have no idea what language he speaks or what the name of his tribe was.

In 2007, the Brazilian government "declared a 31-square-mile [8,029 hectare] area around him off-limits to trespassing and development.", essentially giving him his own national park in the territory traditionally inhabited by the indigenous people of Brazil. In 2009 he was attacked by gunmen, but is thought to have survived.

This excerpt from a documentary, in which some white people try to stick a camera in the face of a dude who is giving off some fairly clear "Go f*ck yourself" signals, is some of the only footage we have of him.

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