7 Ridiculous Harry Potter Moments That Are Only In The Books

4. Lockhart’s Card-Carrying Cupids – The Chamber Of Secrets

Viktor Krum
Warner Bros.

Gilderoy Lockhart is an interesting man. He’s jovial, charming, and a bit of an idiot. As well as being a complete fraud, he proves to be a constant irritant throughout The Chamber of Secrets.

He performs his most ridiculous stunt on Valentine’s Day. Within the context of a castle terrorised by a huge snake, Lockhart decides to brighten up the atmosphere by bringing in a bunch of dwarves dressed up as cupids. The dwarves spend the day roaming about the castle delivering (and singing) Valentine’s cards.

It’s such a strange moment it almost feels like a dream. The whole scenario sinks still deeper into the pit of madness when one of the dwarves catches up to Harry, kicks him in the shins, and sings him a small poem written by Ginny.

Sure, it’s pretty hilarious to witness Harry’s embarrassment, but there’s no getting away from the fact this scene is completely out of kilter with the rest of the novel.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.