7 Shocking Things You Didn't Know About Working At Amazon

5. Employees Are Highly Dispensable

Amazon Warehouse 4 If you're looking for a job without the added benefit of, oh, say, security, Amazon might be exactly what you're after. Going by what many former employees have to say about their personal dealings with the online retailer, feeling unsafe about your job is all part and parcel of the Amazon working experience. Just ask Martin Parton, who spoke out about the conditions of his employment when he was hired, dropped and re-hired more than three times. According to Parton, this was done every 12 weeks or so to ensure that Amazon didn't have to give him full-time employee rights."I think they had it all mapped out," he said on the subject. "They just got rid of you when they felt like it." So you're telling us people are working in questionable conditions and there's still no guarantee that the same people will even keep their jobs? It just keeps getting better and better - where do we sign up?
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