7 Things You Think About When A Stranger Asks You Out At Starbucks

5. You Wonder If Them Glancing Is A Twitch Or Legitimate

There is goes again. Repetitive Strain Disorder, or does he think you're cute? I can't tell. You look down at your iPad. You see him shift in the corner of your eye. You glance up. He's looking at you. You're looking at him. Your eye's lock. You feign a coughing fit, an extreme interest in the empty road outside or scratching your head. You glance up again. He's smirking. Definitely smirking. Or was it a funny article he's reading in you're newspaper? Perhaps he won't find your writing interesting or funny. Well, you couldn't date someone who didn't like your passion. He's looking at you again as he reaches for his coffee. Your eyes are looking as close to his knee's as possible to allow peripheral vision to see if he's still looking. He's still looking. You realise you must look mentally disoriented. So you find yourself reaching for a pen cap you can see on the floor underneath your shared table. It's not a pen cap. It's a black crayon that's been chewed relentlessly by a child. You have nothing to pretend to do whilst you're reaching on the ground. You're in no man's land. You see him looking at you. His eye's burning into the top of your head.
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Tom Christopher Riley hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.