7 Weirdest iPhone Rumours

2. The iWatch

While not strictly an iPhone rumour, this is one which has been rumbling around for a little while now but has never seen the light of day. Ever since the Pebble smart watch became a huge success in the early days of Kickstarter, Apple fans have been desperate for an iWatch and every year the fervour and disappointment grows. The basic principle of the iWatch would be the same as the likes of the Galaxy Gear, a bluetooth extender for the iPhone which would allow for notifications, emails and texts to be read without taking the phone out of your pocket. Further functionality to include a camera, headphone jack and even the ability to take calls (or make Facetime calls) are all heavily rumoured and debated endlessly. It's a debate which provides a great deal of amusement on forums and in chat rooms around the world, with the fanbase clearly divided on the subject. Some Apple fans believe that the iWatch will be the greatest thing since sliced bread and are willing to throw obscene amounts of money at one, while others think that it is possibly the worst thing Apple could release as it is a largely pointless status symbol that wouldn't do anything to enhance the iPhone experience, rather it would just act as a battery drain. Whichever side of the fence you're on, the iWatch is a persistent rumour that never looks like it will come to fruition.

I am a man of many interests. I am a passionate gamer, running my own YouTube channel (The Gadget Addicts) showing off the best of modern gaming in the form of Let's Play videos. I am an ardent musician, having been a guitarist for the past 13 years. I am also a massive geek, I adore science fiction and fantasy films and TV shows and am trying to work up the courage to start writing a novel. If I can ever think of a good story to tell... I live with my wife in the North East of England and own a belligerent little black cat.