8 Biggest Irritations In Life Explained By Science

3. Chronic Facebook Overshare

Evan Vucci/AP
Evan Vucci/AP

You have to wonder what went through the mind of your cousin when they posted the 40th update on their diet/picture of their baby/passive-aggressive rant. Don't they realise that everyone can see that? Don't they realise that we just don't care?

Well, it turns out that they might just be hardwired to do it. In one study, it was found that people who tend to post endless selfies and life updates have a greater number of connections in the brain regions associated with talking about themselves and disclosing information.

Other studies have shown that humans have a pretty hard-wired reward system that kicks in whenever we talk about ourselves, either online or offline, producing a similar response to sex, food and even cocaine.

As for people who endlessly post pictures of their babies: They're not. This is due to the frequency illusion, wherein your brain will take special notice of novel things such as a new baby, plus the Facebook algorithm that will choose to show you content with lots of interaction. As new babies tend to attract likes, they'll show up more.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.