8 Biggest Irritations In Life Explained By Science

2. It Always Rains On The Weekend


Isn't it just typical? You've spent all week stuck indoors, dreaming of a weekend of garden parties, bike rides and romantic walks on the beach and, come the weekend, the heavens open and transform everything into a scene from The Day After Tomorrow.

It's not your imagination, it really does rain more at the weekend.

This is due to a little thing called cloud seeding. At the centre of every raindrop is a little speck of dust and, during the week, we all sit in traffic jams, pumping all kinds of nasties into the atmosphere. On top of this, factories are fully operational and everybody is generally producing more pollution.

These little specks of pollution go into the atmosphere and give the moisture in the air something to hang onto and clouds begins to form.

This generally reaches breaking point at the weekend, usually just after you've hung the washing out.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.