8 Biggest Irritations In Life Explained By Science

1. Loud Sneezers. Ugh.

20th Century Fox
20th Century Fox

We all know someone who positivelyscreams when they sneeze. They'll also probably tell you that they simply can't help it.

Utter rot.

There are some physical factors that come into play in sneeze obnoxiousness, such as lung capacity and nose structure, but these are not a rock solid guarantee of a loud sneeze. The fact that deaf people don't make any noise when they sneeze, regardless of physical makeup, goes to show that there is very much an element of choice.

The volume of your sneeze is much more likely to be related to your personality. Loud people will sneeze more loudly, and quiet people, more quietly.

A body language expertstudied over 500 people and their sneeze style.Theyfound that loud and boisterous people are more likely to have those earth-shatteringly loud sneezes and, what's more, are more likely to be doing it for the response that it elicits from others - they might even fake a sneeze for attention if they are feeling neglected.

If you're a loud sneezer, I implore you to cut that sh*t out, at least around other people. Think of the eardrums that could be saved.

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