8 Cool Jobs You Don't Need Education Or Experience To Get

2. Video Game Tester

Yes, you can start playing video games for a living. Developers of video games are too busy developing to play their own games, so they hire gamers and other similarly-bored individuals to play through them and note any bugs and glitches that occur. If you're okay with replaying levels and entire games until your fingers twitch in your sleep, this may be the job you've been searching for. While not all rosy, since you have to write a lot of reports, you still have the benefit of working in your pajamas and playing games that don't release until months or years later. You have a direct impact on the games you love. And you can rub it in everyone's face. Sweet.

Sara is an American freelance writer currently living in Osaka, Japan. Her hobbies include hiking, studying spiders, and playing Choro Q video games.