8 Crimes That Were Solved By The Internet

3. An Online Suicide Scheme

Like other entries on this list, this awful story resulted from, but was also solved by the internet. It's a sorrowful tale that saw a man manipulate many young, impressionable people into ending their lives and a retired school teacher who decided to take justice into her own hands.

The story begins with Nadi Kajouji, a young suicidal woman who frequented internet chatrooms based on suicide. There, she met a young girl going through the same trouble called Cami D, and the two formed a suicide pack.

Unfortunately, unbeknownst to Kajouji, Cami D was actually William Melchert-Dinkel, a middle-aged man with a "suicide-fetish" who would convince people to hang themselves on a webcam in front of him.

This horrifying act was brought to light by Celia Blay, who uncovered his plot after talking to multiple victims who were in similar pacts with Dinkel. It took two years for Blay to get the attention of authorities, but Dinkel eventually spent time in jail.

He has now served his sentence but is prohibited from using the internet for a prolonged period.

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