8 Crimes That Were Solved By The Internet

2. The Steubenville Rape

The infamy of this incident is still fresh for many people, as it became a formative fixture in the discussion of rape culture in today's world. It's an entirely divisive topic that sparked a national outcry, and many tend to forget the role the internet played in bringing the culprits to the courtroom.

In August 2012, two high-school football players - Trent Mays and Ma'lik Richmond - got a girl drunk, then proceeded to take advantage of her whilst she was unconscious, removing her clothing, taking photos and raping her. The evidence of this was undeniable as they sent videos and pictures from the night to friends, which wound up on social media.

Although the two would attempt to remove the damning evidence, it was picked up by an internet blogger named Alexandria Goddard, who posted them to her site. The two boys were eventually trialled and sentenced to one year and two years respectively in Juvenile detention centres.

If Goddard hadn't acted, then this might have been brushed under the rug, as staff and coaches from Steubenville High School were found attempting to cover the incident up.

Without the internet, this crime - like countless others of the same nature - might not have seen the light of day.

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True Crime
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