8 Disgusting Things Living On Your Body Right Now

5. Demodex: The Spiders On Your Face

Demodex spider waving

There are spiders on your face.

No matter how hard you wash/scrub/bleach your face*, it will always be home sweet home to a type of eight-legged face mite known as Demodex Spiders.

This little guys pootle about your face, living out their lives and blissfully unaware that they're passengers on a human ship. By day, they tend to sit face-down in your pores and follicles, but as night falls, they come out of their hidey holes to have sex. On your face.

Of course, sex means babies, and scientists have actually managed to capture a demodex egg-laying on camera. It turns out that this is a single-use orifice, however, as demodex don't have anuses. The good news is that they're not pooping on your face, the bad news is that this means that a lifetime of poop is released onto your face when they die.

Everybody has these little mites, and 14% of people have visible mites. You can't get rid of them and, if you do, they just come back again, so you should probably just learn to love your face spiders.

*For the love of god, do not bleach your face.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.