8 Disgusting Things Living On Your Body Right Now

6. Microbiome: Your "Good" Bacteria

Gut bacteria

Thanks to those yoghurt adverts, we all know by now that we have a veritable colony of bacteria along for the ride.

These guys aren't just parasites, they're essential to our survival. The bacteria that live in our guts feed on the food that passes through it and, in return for the buffet, help to break it down making it easier to digest. They even release vital vitamins that humans need, and are responsible for the many gases released in the colon. Farts, in other words.

So, how did you come to be teeming with so much life?

Babies in the womb are pretty much sterile and have no gut flora of their own. During vaginal birth, however, babies are smeared in the bacteria from their mother's feces. Yep, you know that little factoid that many women defecate whilst giving birth? That might just be on purpose. Could this finally solve the riddle as to why god would put a play park near the sewerage plant?

These little guys are with you from birth to death and, after you die, they are the first on the scene to start breaking your body down. Never mind your cat, it's you gut flora that will eat you when you eventually kick it.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.