8 Eerie Works Of Architecture
You shouldn't look at a building and get a sudden escapable feeling of dread, but sometimes...

We as a people have erected many buildings. Humans have done a lot more in terms of structural significance than those lazy-ass lions or beavers (maybe try a skyscraper instead of a dam?) and for every Empire State Building or Great Pyramid or... Gherkin, something will be created that leaves onlookers with a sense of horror.
Occasionally in an effort to not only house and protect but also to inspire, architects sometimes fall short and leave observers baffled, alienated, and somewhat unnerved by buildings and monuments. We're going to be really shallow here and only concern ourselves what what's on the outside, as sinister interiors are a whole other can of worrisome worms (as a freebie do have a quick search for Otranto Cathedral and be prepared for some nightmares).
Shallowness aside, it must be stated that just because a building appears ominous on the outside doesn't mean it houses some sinister action or work of malevolence. In fact many serve innocent functions and most are actually architectural marvels – just that on first impression there is definitely something creepy about them.
8. Matrimandir Meditation Center. Auroville - India

It looks like a doomsday device. Churches, temples, religious sites on the whole tend to have a unique quality to them but they do usually have the decency to look like a church or a temple. Maybe because of its modern design or perhaps because no organised religion or belief claims ownership of the Matrimandir, it looks more like a giant gold apocalypse engine than a place of spiritual importance.
Designed by a spiritual leader named “The Mother” and located in a large open space called “Peace”, the golden globe of gaudy glory does give off some foreboding vibes by just how relaxing and inoffensive it actually is; all of this despite looking like a Mr T brand Death Star.
This site is really the equivalent of a city dweller going to the country for the first time, the locals are doing nothing wrong by making eye contact and saying hello, but the hard edges of metropolitan life lead you to the conclusion that they're conspiring to trap you in a large wicker man. So maybe it's eerie because Western society is cynical.