8 Expert Theories About Our Future In Space

6. We Have To Go To Other Planets To Survive

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Whilst many might view the idea of becoming a multi-planetary species as simply and exciting prospect, many experts believe that it is much more of a necessity if the human race is to survive.

Stephen Hawking likens it to not putting all of our eggs in one basket, Elon Musk calls it "backing up the biosphere" but, whatever you want to call it, it does make sense to spread ourselves out a bit, just in case something terrible happens to the Earth.

As per Musk's plan to to found a million-strong colony on Mars over the coming century, and Mars could well be one of the best options for humanity, but there are other places in the solar system we could potentially inhabit. Many of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn are thought to have the potential to support life, and we could even potentially build bases on asteroids. Hell, even a space base would suffice as a back-up, should things all get a bit Apocalypse Now here on Earth.

However, aside from the logistical challenges, sending humans to other worlds carries its own ethical dilemmas.

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