8 Expert Theories About Our Future In Space

4. What Is That "Alien Megastructure"

dyson sphere

So there was a lot of buzz about the "alien megastructure" that was supposedly spotted around a star called KIC 8462852, then it was just a dust cloud. Then, a couple of months later, it started behaving suspiciously "un-dust cloudy" with long-term dips in brightness and the possibility of an intelligent alien origin was potentially back on the cards.

So where are we with it now?

It's still a mystery, so much so that even the alien hypothesis isn't being rule out. What's more, if it is aliens, then it's a sign of a species vastly more advanced than our own - at least Type II on the Kardashev Scale. What's more, a civilisation of that level might even be aware of our presence.

On the other hand, it could just be weird dust.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.