8 Huge Facebook Parties That Got Totally Out Of Control

6. We Want More

From the UK to New Zealand, Auckland to be more specific. The quiet suburb of Howick was rocked one night when a single house had nearly 500 people in its grounds and an additional 150 more along the street, curb, gutter and lawns of neighbours. Not only was the owner's house trashed, but neighbours lawns were roughed up and littered with broken glass. What makes this unique from previous entries is that this had the intention of being a huge party where anyone who saw the event could come. The Facebook event served as an advert for the party, calling for as many people in New Zealand to come. The host, Bill Williams, threw the party for his daughter Kody Cook's 18th birthday. Talk about a father trying to be cool in front of his children, he really went the whole nine yards. Williams had said this wasn't the first time police had intervened at this location due to a party but the fourth time, and " keep on doing it". There were complaints about the noise levels, profanity and general disorderly conduct of the youths. After that around 35 police and one police helicopter (yes that's right, a freaking helicopter) came to the party, causing some people to throw bottles at the officers or flee home. On the bright side Williams concedes that this was wrong. At least he has standards. The real kicker is that the father said, "We want more numbers. The bigger the better." He was then recommended to rent out a hall, which he said was a good idea. At the end of the night zero arrests were made but Williams was given a hefty fine.
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