8 Incredibly Strange Religions From Around The World

6. Jediism

The origins of this one aren't in question at all. Though having no clear founder (unless you count George Lucas) the tenants of the faith are based on the fictional order depicted in the Star Wars films and media. The religion is not a centralized one, with various Jedi churches throughout the world, like the Temple of the Jedi Order, which is registered in Texas. The various Jedi churches acknowledge the Star Wars-origin, but are also clear that they aren't using it as an excuse to be an organized group of super-fanboys. Followers of Jediism aren't running around learning how to fight with lightsabers or move things with their mind. Rather, they follow the basic tenants of the Order as shown in the movies. In short, they avoid obsessive attachments, they try to remain mindful of their feelings, and try to foster peace and harmony. In the past, there have been various grassroots movements to get citizens to list "Jedi" or "Jedi Knight" as their religion on the national census. In 2001, 390,127 people in England and Wales listed Jedi on their census forms, placing it head of Sikhism, Judaism, and Buddhism and making it the fourth largest listed religion. Most of these respondents were likely joking, unfortunately.
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I'm very proudly a nerd, which is the quality you'll see most on display here. Star Wars, Doctor Who, and Spider-man are my biggest nerdy obsessions, but I don't like to exclude anything. I'm also an avid sports fan. My teams are the Detroit Red Wings, Notre Dame, and Detroit Lions. I love playing and watching hockey, but don't get to do the former often enough. I play some guitar, and love music. That's me, concisely speaking.