8 Insane Doomsday Predictions That (Unsurprisingly) Didn't Happen

6. Sarah Palin And The End Times

Sarah Palin
Flickr/Gage Skidmore

It will come as no surprise to anyone that Sarah Palin is something of a whackjob, she was the non-thinking person's crazy person before Trump came along after all, but did you know that she believes that she is part of the "Final Generation" (despite, you know, having a brood of children and grandchildren), and will see the end of times within her lifetime?

Yeah, that crazy.

The church that Palin is a part of go all in for the miracle-healing, tongue-speaking, old school style of christianity. It's less tea-and-cake and more fire-and-torment. The belief is that the Final Generation is currently locked in a spiritual battle with the powers of Satan, and it's all definitely going to come to a head soon.

Of all the people you would want to have the nuclear codes, member-of-a-doomsday-cult is probably not high up the list.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.