8 Mind-Blowing Facts About Beer

1. Every Year,160,000 Pints Of Guinness Are Lost To Facial Hair

Aneil Lutchman [CC BY-SA 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)]

A well-groomed mustache looks great on certain individuals. However, they come at a steep price for those who like to consume beer.

Sadly, every year, there are countless pints that wind up stuck in a beer drinker's facial hair. In 2000, Guinness actually conducted a study in an effort to figure out exactly how many pints are lost to mustaches on an annual basis. Based on the results of the 2000 study, roughly 162,719 pints of Guinness fall victim to facial hair each year. This means that about 440,000 pounds worth of Guinness is wasted every 365 days.

As the report goes on to explain,"The scientist found the average drinker takes 10 sips to sink a pint, of which 0.56 milliliters of Guinness is trapped in the average mustache at every sip."

Beards and mustaches have become increasingly popular among those in the beer scene. However, based on the study, thrifty beer consumers may want to go with the clean-shaven approach.

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Beer Thailand
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From 1999-2003 Jacques performed on the Florida independent pro wrestling circuit. He also has an amateur wrestling background and currently holds a certification in Krav Maga. Jacques graduated from the University of Central Florida in 2003, with a bachelor's degree in Political Science. He currently resides in Chicago, Illinois. Follow him on twitter @goodeals79.