8 Miraculous Mysteries With Ridiculously Simple Explanations

2. Aura Photography

Back in 1939, a dude called Semyon Kirlian accidentally discovered that if you photograph an object on a photographic plate that has an electric current running through it, a spooky corona appears around it.

This is, obviously, the visual manifestation of your auric energies, your bioplasmic fields, your prana, your bioelectric energy, your chi or whatever else is supposed to floating around your body. It's probably whatever your mood ring has been picking up on all this time, right?

Or, or, it's sweat.

Experiments have shown that the mysterious fields don't show up in a vacuum, which means that they're probably more likely to be an interaction between the moisture on the skin and the surrounding air molecules and, I don't know, all the electricity.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.