8 More Science Facts To Make You Sound Clever At Parties

7. "Magenta Doesn€™t Exist"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPPYGJjKVco Purple, or to give it its official title, magenta, doesn't exist. At least not on the colour spectrum, which is why it doesn't appear in the rainbow. To understand this slightly odd thing to bring up at a party, we have to understand how colour perception works. The cone cells in your eyes are sensitive to different parts of the colour spectrum, red green and blue. Most of the colours we see are a result of our brain mixing these colours together. For example, when you mix together red and green light, you will see yellow light, if you take another look at the colour spectrum, you will find yellow halfway between red and green. If you mix green and blue light together, you will see cyan, again, in between the two. However, red and blue are at opposite ends of the spectrum, and the point halfway between them is green, so surely red and blue should look green to you? Well, it doesn't because the green cones in your eyes aren't being activated. This means that the brain goes to Plan B and invents a colour, which we see as magenta. This isn't just a stupid party trick, by the way, magenta literally doesn't have a wavelength and doesn't really exist in physics. If you can work all this into a pick-up line about that fit lass's purple dress not-existing, then write in and we'll send you a prize.
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