8 Most Casually Badass Things The Human Race Has Ever Done

7. Pursuit Predation

Invented Dogs

When you think of "hunting" you probably either think of posh people on horses, or gun-toting Americans dressed head to toe in camouflage, brandishing high-powered rifles. You know, the people that have a fondness for posing with dead lions and posting them on the internet (then acting totally shocked when people kick off).

Well, sorry, but that's not hunting. That's hiding in a bush and letting a gun do the work.

There is an ancient hunting technique, still practiced by a couple of tribes today for food, that is way more skillful, and way more badass. It's called persistence or pursuit predation.

Humans are one of the only species on the planet that can hunt using this technique. We are the best long-distance runners in the animal kingdom and hunters would use this to their advantage by simply exhausting an animal to death.

Persistence hunters will begin chasing an animal and, whenever that animal lies down in the shade to rest, they will just turn up and continue to track it until it can't go any further. The reason why we're so good at this type of hunting is largely down to the fact that we walk on two legs, we sweat and we can carry water meaning that, from the animal's perspective, we just don't get tired and just keep on coming.

It's basically the real world equivalent of the serial killer in a horror movie that will always be just around the corner with a giant kitchen knife.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.