8 Most Casually Badass Things The Human Race Has Ever Done

6. Burning Prehistoric Animals For Fuel

Invented Dogs

Okay, so the common internet myth that petrol is made from dinosaurs isn't strictly true, fossil fuels are more likely to be made up of the compressed carcases of the organisms that inhabited prehistoric swamps.

The dead plants and algae will accumulate and the pressure of the layers and layers of mulch will transform it into rock that is then cooked by the Earth's internal heat.

With this is mind, let's just take a moment to appreciate how badass it is that we dig 'em up, process them and set fire to them in order to propel ourselves around at breakneck speeds.

We each pootle about in our little cars (you know, those two-tonne metal boxes we all have) as those fossilised little guys explode and combust just feet from where we're sitting. Millions of years on Earth and that's where you end up?

Who knows, perhaps one day you'll be dug up and used to fuel intergalactic cargo ships...

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.