8 Most Casually Badass Things The Human Race Has Ever Done

2. Wiping Out Disease

Invented Dogs

Years ago, if you caught a nasty disease then you basically had to resign yourself to the fact that death would soon be arriving on his swift wings.

After a while, we started to think "Nah" to the whole dying-of-the-common-cold gig and set about systematically wiping some of the most deadly and virulent diseases off the face of God's green earth.

And what is one of the techniques that we employ in our war against disease? We inject them into our children. Pretty badass. Vaccinations have virtually wiped out deadly diseases such as Smallpox, Diptheria and Polio (in fact, smallpox has now officially been completely eradicated), which used to kill millions of people.

With those out, we're also well on the way to stamping out things like measles and malaria. Unfortunately, measles, which had previously been completely eradicated in America, has since returned due to a rise in numbers of people who don't vaccinate (but that's a tale for another time). Just, please, vaccinate yo' kids people.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.