8 Most Casually Badass Things The Human Race Has Ever Done

3. Cutting Our Young Out Of Ourselves

Invented Dogs

Generally speaking, birthing a little dude or dudette into the world is a pretty badass thing to do anyway, but sometimes that can go wrong. Things can get jammed, twisted and caught along the way, meaning that the whole giving birth thing may not be such smooth sailing.

So what do we do in those situations? We cut the damn thing out.

The practice of extracting a baby via cesarean used to be a way of saving the baby if the mother was unlikely to survive, and the mother almost always died in these situations (making it highly unlikely that Julius Caesar was really born this way, despite the persistent myth, as his mother lived until he was almost in his fifties).

But over the years we've perfected our techniques and can now pull a bonny babe directly out of its mother's womb via the sunroof and then sew her back together again.

There's even a practice called a "maternally assisted C-section" in which the mother will pull her babies out of her own abdomen. Now if that isn't badass then we don't know what is.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.