8 Most Haunted Places In The North East

1. The Schooner Hotel

There are so many ghosts that are said to haunt this hotel that it is considered to be the most haunted Hotel in Britain and with over 3,000 paranormal reports, can you deny that these spirits don't exist? One of the most frightening experiences recorded was by the staff who saw a dark figure run out of room 20 and into the fire doors directly opposite the room. The figure then turned around to the staff members who then began running towards then. That's a whole load of nope right there. They ran away in terror, being chased by this 'ghost' and of course, everyone heard the commotion and no one else saw the man leave or could find him anywhere else in the hotel. There have been a lot of murders, suicides and dodgy guests who have stayed in the hotel so there is a lot of activity reported. There are 32 rooms in the hotel and all of them have had ghostly reports. In rooms 16 and 17, there are similar reports surfacing which sort of make sense since there is a trap door connecting both rooms... Apparently there are figures who stand over you and watch you sleep and a young boy has been seen sitting outside these rooms in the corridor. He is supposed to be guilty of knocking on the doors the whole way down the corridor. No thank you, please. If you have ever witnessed any of these ghosts or fancy a ghost hunt, please write down your experiences/ghostbusting plans in the thread below.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com