8 Phobias That Are Guaranteed To Make You Feel Uncomfortable

If you manage to get through this whole list, you're not scared of anything!

Graveyard necrophobia
Gunnvor Karita / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)

Phobias and fears are a complicated area for many to understand - why is it that some people are afraid of what lurks in the dark corridors or under their bed at night? Why do most of the population scream and run when they see an eight legged creepy crawly scurry towards them? Since when did looking down from a height begin making many tremble with fear?

Common phobias like these are easier to cure and talk about, as the sufferers come in the many thousands. You're likely to encounter these people on the regular, who actively avoid climbing a tall building or leave the room when a spider is seen. But what about the lesser known phobias that you may not be sure you have - the most uncomfortable phobias that are particularly grim or make your hair stand on edge?

Do you get uneasy about objects lurking underwater, blood, choking, dead bodies or deep dark cave depths?

Here is a list of just eight real life phobias that are guaranteed to make you feel unease - and may be what you have feared all along...

8. Bathophobia

Graveyard necrophobia

Bathophobia is the fear of deep depths. This can work alongside the fear of the sea but the sufferer can fear a multitude of other depths such as caves, long dark hallways or becoming trapped in depths such as quick sand or a well. They primarily fear that they may fall in to or become consumed by the depths in question.

It is believed that this phobia most commonly originates from a negative or traumatic event in the sufferer's life, which could be as small as feeling a creature in the water when their hand was in there. It has also been suggested by studies that the fear can be tracked down to early predecessors, who were often were exposed to scary situations in large depths like drowning or being attacked by sea or cave creatures.

In extreme cases, the sufferer may not be able to complete small activities that involve the depths - such as walking into a pool at knee height - fearing what could be below them or what could happen if they fell in deeper. They will often feel trapped, claustrophobic and that they will have no means of escape.

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