8 Reasons Why Earth 2.0 Is Super Exciting

7. It’s In The Goldilocks Zone


The Goldilocks Zone is a region of space that is not too close and not too far away from a sun for a planet to support life. Earth sits in the Goldilocks Zone of our solar system and Kepler 452b also sits in the Goldilocks Zone around its own sun.

This is one of the first things that astronomers need to tick off their lists in the search for alien life. Of course, it may well be possible for life to exist outside of this narrow belt, but by searching here first, it increases that chance that any life we do discover will be similar to our own here on Earth.

Whilst the sun is very similar to our own, it's a good 1.5 million years older than ours. This could mean that the planet has been kicking around for a bit longer too but, considering the fact that our sun is not due to kick its solar bucket for another billion years, we shouldn't be too worried about it.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.