8 Reasons Why Earth 2.0 Is Super Exciting

2. Humans Could Probably Survive There


Given the temperature, rocky surface, the potential watery environment, the year length and everything other spookily similar factor, Earth 2.0 is starting to look more  and more like a home from home.

However, you'd better get down to the gym before planning a trip, because everything is going to be much heavier on Kepler 452b. Due to the fact that the planet is roughly twice the size of Earth, the gravity on the surface is going to be around twice as strong.

This isn't the end of the world though. If we were ever able to colonize it, humans would eventually evolve to be shorter, stockier and stronger to deal with the stronger gravity. That is, if the current strong, stocky inhabitants are willing to share.

Don't get too excited just yet though...

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.