8 Reasons You Shouldn't Upgrade to Windows 10 Just Yet

1. No More Minesweeper

Like unceremoniously dismissing the meek but hard-working old man (let's call him Percy) who's worked in the same job at the same number-crunching company for 40 years, Microsoft has dumped Minesweeper for Windows 10. Minesweeper began life on Windows back in 1992 on Windows 3.1. Along with Solitaire and Hearts (which continue to feature on Windows 10), Minesweeper was the perfect procrastination game in the pre-superfast internet days. Bored office workers on locked-down, access-restricted computers would spend hours clicking the grey minefields of Minesweeper, desperately trying to navigate them so as to avoid having to look into dead x-eyes of the smiley face pictured above. If you're nostalgic for the good ol' days and are still using a 56k modem in defiance of technological progress, then Minesweeper's omission from Windows 10 is a deal-breaker. But at least there is a workaround, in the form of this free Minesweeper clone, Minez. Have we convinced you that you don't need to upgrade to Windows 10 right away, or are you still determined to be one of the first to get the full consumer version now it's rolling out? If it's the latter then we commend your bravery. By the sounds of things, it's an Interstellar-style one-way trip, but it's an exciting journey, and someone's got to do it.
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Windows 10
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Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.