8 Science-Backed Reasons To Stuff Your Face With Chocolate This Easter

3. Chocolate Lowers €œBad€ Cholesterol Levels

There are two types of cholesterol, the €œgood€ stuff, called HDL, and the €œbad€ LDL.

While the former is beneficial because it can help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, having high levels of the latter can be bad for your health as it could lead to clogged arteries, raising the likelihood of suffering from those two ailments.

Encouragingly, a few different studies have found that regularly eating a moderate amount of dark chocolate could help reduce bad cholesterol levels, and maybe even lower blood sugar.

Of course, the key word here is "moderate". M o d e r a t e ... doesn't make much sense when it comes to chocolate, but we can give it a go.

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