8 Science Facts They Probably Didn't Teach You In School

7. The Penis Is That Shape For A Good Reason

Small Mushroom

No, not long and thin, we know why it's that shape. No, we're talking about the , ahem, end.

The flared out tip of the penis is thought to be that way so that it can scoop out any souvenirs from the last guy that had sex with the lady in question in order to increase his chances of fathering offspring. Obviously, this means that the genes for the scoop-shaped penis are more likely to get passed on to any progeny, and the trait becomes common through the species.

Humans aren't the only one to do it either, the male damselfly’s member also has a wee little scoop on the end of it for exactly this purpose.

Damn, nature, you crafty.


Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.