8 Strangest Stories About The Winchester Mansion

5. The Superstitions

The Hollywood Treatment
Winchester Mystery House

Sarah Winchester’s belief in the occult manifested itself further in her superstitions. With plenty of space for mementos, she kept a hidden safe in the ballroom with locks of hair that had belonged to her deceased daughter and husband. She was also obsessed with the number 13 - a preoccupation that led to 13 bathrooms in the house, 13 drain holes, and many more instances of the number. She even made sure that her will had 13 parts that were signed by her own quill 13 times.

Those superstitions extended to her sleeping patterns too, as the widow was known to sleep in a different one of the 40 bedrooms every single night. It must have been a nightmare keeping on top of linen laundering, but the intention was to gain protection from supernatural harm. Not only that, but there was only one working toilet in the entire house, despite 12 other bathrooms. This may have been to confuse restless spirits, but it was probably more of an issue for the construction workers on their tea breaks.


Jen Scouler is a writer and film critic based in Scotland. Some of her many obsessions include science fiction romance, historical drama and Lord of the Rings.