8 Superpowers That Would Actually Suck

2. Super Strength

Superman Returns Brandon Routh
Warner Bros. Pictures

Well, it would certainly make carrying your shopping home a bit easier, but super-human strength would, by and large, suck. Let's not beat around the bush here, I'm mainly talking about sexytime. The trials an tribulations of the sex life of everyone's favourite superhuman, Superman, is well outlined in a thought experiment by Larry Niven called Man of Steel, Woman Of Kleenex, but let's, for the moment, focus on one crucial part.

The orgasm, when studied in fMRI machines and by EEGs, appears to involve the spasmic loss of muscular control similar to an epileptic fit. Now, suppose you go to lovingly run your fingers through your partner's hair when the Big O hits, you probably run the risk of ripping their head clean off (always a mood killer). Okay, so lets say that you nobly abstain from earthly pleasures in order to use you super strength for good, you are still, unfortunately, at the mercy of the laws of physics. Oh no, some children are trapped beneath a huge boulder.

You grasp firmly and, keeping your back straight (important), throw all your strength into lifting it. Whereupon you are promptly driven into the Earth as the boulder's entire weight is focussed through your two narrow feet. How about stopping that runaway train? Chances are you'll just barrel straight through like a tennis racquet through jelly, I'm afraid.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.