8 Superpowers That Would Actually Suck

3. Being Impervious To Pain

Luke Cage

Imperviousness to pain is probably really useful if you spend most of your life battling gunslinging bad guys but, oh my god, it would be a total disaster. Pain is unpleasant and, well, painful, but there's a very good reason for that. Pain is your defence mechanism against damage. If it felt really lovely to leave your hand on the stove top, you would very soon not have a hand but a charred stump.

As well as preventing injury, pain is also a way of preventing further damage once you are injured. If a bad guy slide tackles you and throws you knee out, the pain in that knee will stop you putting any weight on it (unless you're a hard nut) so that it can heal without any extras stresses or stains whilst in a weakened state. Sure, your super-resistance to pain would mean that you can continue to walk menacingly towards your opponent on the battlefield like a total badass, but it would also turn you into a quivering mass of bruises and broken bones within the month.

So, instead of thinking of pain as a weakness, think of it as a super power in itself. It's basically one of the most sophisticated damage report systems in the world.

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