8 Theories That NASA Might Be Hiding From People

3. Planet X

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Some scientists claim to have 'solid evidence' for Planet X. These scientists have titled this mysterious planet 'Nibiru' and it is thought to be a true ninth planet on the fringes of our solar system. The new mass is considered to be almost as big as Neptune and orbiting billions of miles beyond Neptune's path which is distant enough to take 10,000 to 20,000 years to circle the sun.

Researchers discovered Planet X's presence from the peculiar clustering of six previously known objects that orbit beyond Neptune. These scientists claim that during the solar system's infancy i.e. around 4.5 billion years ago, this giant planet was knocked out of the planet forming region near the sun. Slowed down by gas, the planet settled into a distant elliptical orbit, where it still lurks today.

Several theorists claim that NASA knows that this 9th planet has already entered into our solar system and they believe that its influence causes earthquakes and other weather-related changes. Conspiracists conceive that the Government has been tracking Planet X for many decades and in order to avoid chaos and unrest they have been doing everything they can to cover-up.

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A budding mechanical engineer who loves to read and write stuff. Love of the unknown is his passion.