8 Theories That NASA Might Be Hiding From People

2. NASA Cuts Live Feed

NASA random
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During a live stream of the International Space Station, a mysterious object showed up unexpectedly, and immediately NASA terminated the feed. This wasn't the first time NASA had done such a thing.

In January 2017, British Alien hunter John Craddick claimed that a ‘mysterious object’ appeared on NASA’s live feed before the ISS inexplicibly cut feed for several seconds. He was convinced that it was a proof of alien life existing because ‘nothing human could fly that high’.

In June of 2016, something similar happened when an object was spotted just above the Earth’s atmosphere and again the ISS feed was cut.

In February 2017, unusual footage taken from Nasa's live feed of the International Space Station appeared to show six large objects passing the ISS. These mysterious objects move from the right to the left of the screen. However, NASA suspiciously cut the live feed and replaced it with a feed showing the inside of a briefing room.

NASA, could you explain that?

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A budding mechanical engineer who loves to read and write stuff. Love of the unknown is his passion.