8 Things You Do Every Day That Could Kill You

2. Growing

Okay, you probably don't do this anymore, but up until a certain point in your life you were growing every single day like the reckless maverick that you are. Tall people might be able to reach high shelves and look good in wide-leg trousers, they're also more likely to be more intelligent and earn more money, but they'll die sooner, so who's really winning here (although wide-leg trousers are very chic)? Greater height puts greater demand on the body, and research shows that the lungs of taller people don't function as efficiently as shorter people's. They're also more likely to suffer cardiovascular disease, recurrent blood clots and cancer. It is estimated that an extra four inches of height will increase the risk of cancer in post-menopausal women by a whopping 13%. Shorter people have fewer cells (i.e. few opportunities for cancer), their bodies are more compact and efficient and there is less stress on their vital systems. It has been calculated that, all things considered, every inch above five feet represents a decrease in lifespan by about 1.3 years.

Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.